Master Droit, économie et gestion mention marketing, vente Parcours E-Business and Digital Marketing

Code diplôme/certificat: MR11802A

  • 120 crédits

Niveau d'entrée

  • Niveau 6 (Bac+3 et 4)

Niveau de sortie

  • Niveau 7 (Bac+5)





Arrêté du 08 juillet 2021. Accréditation jusque fin 2024-2025.

Voir la fiche Rncp et les blocs de compétences

Be ready to keep up with Digital transformation in Business!

Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis

This Master’s degree in e-Business and Digital Marketing is a national degree in line with the standardized European System of higher education. This degree is part of our international Master programs named "Master in Management" (MIM).  The Master in Management (MIM) is designed around the framework of:
- an Orientation week with intercultural integration and team building activities.
Master 1 (Year 1) with core curriculum of Management. The Master 1 helps students to understand the rules and practices of an organization as well as the different modalities of its management. The learning outcomes of the first year are then applied in a team-based experience that enables students to learn by action in the real work world.
Master 2 (Year 2) with Specialization modules to help students to : 
  • Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in e-business, A.I. and digital marketing;
  • Be able to develop a competitive digital marketing strategy;
  • Understand the big picture of digital marketing but also acquire an operational expertise;
  • Operate, create and improve the disrupted business through new-technology, platforms, social media marketing and communication;
  • Learn by doing with the business simulation, case studies and digital forum visits   
- A professional experience (Internship/Job)  from 3 to 6 months. The professional experience will complete the Master curriculum and offer an "action learning" opportunity.  
The Master Diploma is delivered under the control of the French Ministry of Higher Education.
Admission access:
Students can apply from Master 1 (for the 2-year program) or directly to Master 2 (for the final-year program). The Master is open to all students with a Bachelor degree, regardless of their previous fields of study. This creates an ambiance of cultural diversity and knowledge sharing during the course: engineers, social scientists, linguists and management students mix together to share their experiences. Whatever your initial background is (degree and professional experience), we truly believe in candidates’ potential and make it our mission to support and guide you to achieve your master’s degree and professional project.
The Master Program receives applications all-year- round. Download the Application Form at:
Application Requirements:
• Bachelor’s Degree & Transcript (a 3 years Bachelor is needed to acces M1 and a 4 years Bachelor is needed to acces directly to M2)
• Proficiency in English (Toefl IBT: 85 | IELTS: 6.0 - 4 skills required)
• Students with Master 1 level are entitled to apply directly to Master 2 depending on the field & duration of Bachelor’s degree and professional experience related to digital economy.
Admission process:
  • Complete application form in English
  • 2 recommendation letters (from professional or academic endorsers)
  • Interviews with the Admission board
Download our Application Form at:
For more information and application file, check our page in English on


Pacing with Digital transformation in Business:
The growing digital transformation (Internet, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, etc.) had and will have a tremendous influence on many aspects of B2C and B2B businesses. Internet has not only transformed existing market structures but also given rise to new markets. Digital transformation is on the way to blend traditional business features and new businesses opportunities. Artificial Intelligence is accelerating this phenomenon. Thus, there is great demand for e-Business professionals with specific knowledge and skills.
The main objective of this program is to prepare future managers to work in a disrupted and fast moving digital and A.I. environment. 
The focus is on acquiring a digital culture and practical knowledge which will be necessary to work in any field today and in the future.
This Master is designed for:
• New marketers and future managers who need to master new key concepts: dematerialization, new distribution features, multi and cross channel, big data opportunities, new marketing features;
• Those who wish to acquire the basics of digital project management in order to be ready to participate and lead teams and project in complex web project including
agile process, user experience, digital technology, project planning and budgeting.

This Master aims at:
• Combining E-commerce, A.I. and Digital Marketing. This combination gives participants a broad view of E-business challenges and key principles, Practical knowledge and Critical thinking in Digital Marketing and Communication, to be ready for E-business models (new models, new channels, new media, logistics, human, physical and virtual resources, etc.);
• Mastering the bases of Digital Marketing tools like Artificial Intelligence and Engineering. These tools are a combination of a large range of topics including Social Media and search,
new Consumer Behavior, Web Analytics, prompting skills but also Cyberlaw, E-commerce and Logistic, Project Management, B to B Marketing, etc;
• Enabling the capacity to participate and lead complex digital projects. The program includes a broad range of topics such as Agile Process, User Experience, Digital
Technology, Project Planning and Budgeting. The pedagogical approach provides students with relevant tools and skills to manage challenges of complex web projects.

Mentions officielles

Intitulé officiel figurant sur le diplôme : Master Droit, économie et gestion mention marketing, vente Parcours E-Business and Digital Marketing

Inscrit RNCP

Code(s) NSF : Commerce, vente (312m)

Code(s) ROME : -


Core skills:
  • Ability to contribute or to run a digital business;
  • Ability to build a digital marketing strategy
  • Ability to upgrade traditional businesses with digital strategies
  • Ability to use artificial intelligence tools to produce digital content and manage campaigns 
Career opportunities: 
This Master intends to help students start a rewarding career with a large choice of positions and careers:
• Digital Marketer
• Social Media Strategist
• Web Analyst
• Digital Account Executive
• E-Business Developer
• E-Commerce Entrepreneur
• E-Marketing Developer
• Internet Marketer
• Digital Transformation Officer
Furthermore, thanks to the complete curriculum design of the Master in Management (MIM) concept, the Master in e-Business and Digital Marketing also enables students to:
  • Master the principles and tools for managers of business units with up-to-date management topics in the real business environment with Core curriculum in Master 1 
  • Represent the management of focused business activities as an action (Strategic Marketing & 360° Digital, Supply Chain, Technical & Project Competences) and build a complete view of the working environment, especially in the specific European business framework with Professional skills development (career management, professional experience) in Master 2
  • Achieve intercultural and additional competences relying on students’ original degree in sciences or engineering or students’ intercultural experience and engagement.
8 reasons why this Master is the right choice for you:
• Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in e-business and digital marketing;
• Be able to develop a competitive digital marketing strategy;
• Understand the big picture of digital marketing but also acquire an operational expertise;
• Operate, create and improve the disrupted business through new-technology, social media marketing and communication;
• Learn by doing with a combination of theory, real business cases, live case studies through a hands-on approach;
• Participate in digital forums in Paris within the curriculum with inspiring teachers to melt into the concrete innovative business and marketing context;
• Study and practice skills in the international language of business: English, yet obtain additional French language and culture;
• Study in the center of Paris, close to one of the most important business hubs in the world.


EPN 15 Stratégies - IIM
2 rue conté
75003 Paris
Tel :01 40 27 26 36
Emmanuelle Rochefort
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Diplôme ou certificat