Business Process Modeling

Code UE : USEEW1

  • Cours
  • 6 crédits


Stefano SECCI

Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis

Basic discrete mathematics, first-order logic and linear algebra. Structural induction. 

Objectifs pédagogiques

The course aims to reconcile abstraction techniques and high-level diagrammatic notations together with modular and structural approaches.  
The objective is to show the impact of the ​analysis and verification properties of business processes on the choice of the best suited specification and modeling languages. The course presents the steps from a formally specified and analyzed process model to an implemented model as it can be executed by a process engine and process-aware information system, respectively. 


The content of the course covers basic concepts and methods along the business process lifecycle; the presentation of the most common business process modeling notations such as EPC and BPMN 2.0; an introduction to Process Mining principles and techniques; practice with analysis tools such as WoPeD, Woflan, ProM. 
  • Business process management.  
  • Process Architectures & Process-aware Information Systems  
  • Conceptual models and abstraction mechanisms.  
  • Workflow nets, workflow modules and workflow systems.  
  • Event-driven Process Chains (EPC).  
  • Business Process Modelling Notation 2.0 (BPMN 2.0).  
  • Process performance analysis.  
Complementary content: 
Additional content includes the analysis of most common workflow patterns; the study of a more expressive graphical and formal model for business processes (YAWL) ; the overview of process simulation tools and techniques ; and the following topics: 
  • Petri nets and workflow nets as formal models for business processes; Petri nets: invariants, S-systems, T-systems, Free-choice systems and their properties.  
  • Workflow patterns.  
  • YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language). 
  • Process simulation.  
  • Business process automation & Process-aware information systems: concepts, components, architectures. 
  • Technical process implementation : execution languages, data & resource integration, tools. 
  • Flexible runtime process support (late modeling, dynamic adaptations). 
  • Process Mining & Analysis. 
  • Understanding the difference between business process modeling and technical process implementation 

Modalité d'évaluation

Project discussion and oral exam. 


  • Weske : Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures ISBN 978-3-642-28615-5. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.
  • Dumas : La Rosa, Mendling, Reijers: Fundamentals of Business Process Management
  • van der Aalst : Process Mining
  • Desel, Esparza : Free Choice Nets

Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants

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Enseignement non encore programmé